Google Store Locator

Proximity search plugin for MODX

The "Google Store Locator" enables a proximity search for your stores/locations on your MODX-Site. Find and filter Stores/Locations by distance and provide users to find the closest store of their current position or address. GoogleStoreLocator can be easily integrated into your website and is fully customizable by chunks and styles. Just install it via the Package-Manager and place the snippet-call in your "Store-Finder" Site-Template. Place the Placeholders for the Store-List, Map and Search-Form wherever you want them to appear.

To add a store, simply add the GoogleStoreLocator TVs to your Store-Template or define custom TVs for the address and add a new Resource as a new store. Create the Store-Resources as childs of your Stores-Search-Site or set the Parent-IDs with the "&parents" property.

Here are some Instruction for upgrading from version 1.x to 2.x

Downloador see it on Github